Friday 16 June, 19.00 – 20.30
Presentation workshop
Craniosacral and Constellation work for treatment of idiopathic complaints.
Stan Coenders (NL) talks about craniosacral work in combination with systemic constellation work, explaining the various levels of a client’s request in relation to possibilities with cranio and constellation work.
Saturday 17 June, 9.30 – 17.30
Cranio and Constellation
The workshop (max 20 participants) offers a possibility for cca 4 systemic constellations and an introduction to simple craniosacral work that everyone can do to provide basic relaxation. We will see how both modalities have a close relation, are complimentary and offer a way towards individual authenticity amidst a social environment.
More information and registration
Petra Korosec
tel.nr.: 091 76 71 888, e-mail: [email protected]