- Title: Fortifying Skin and Bone: Skin and Bone Wellness After 40
- Date: 8th, 9th , 10th and 11th MAY 2024
- Time: 6:30 PM CEST
- Register : https://bit.ly/4d8Civs
When you reach the age of 40, both your skin and bones undergo significant changes. Factors such as hormones, genetics, medications, and age-related bone and muscle loss can impact your skin’s condition. Regardless of whether your bones were initially dense or light, they begin to lose mass over time. This decline in bone production is attributed to shifts in hormone balance, where the body produces less estrogen and testosterone, crucial for maintaining the strength and density of bones, skin, and muscles. Additionally, overall cellular energy decreases with age.
As you pass the age of 40, it becomes essential to prioritize strategies that support the healthy production of new bone cells. Our workshop offers insights into navigating the challenges unique to this phase of life, empowering you to cultivate sustainable health practices. Embracing holistic wellness should be your new focus, marking the beginning of a new era of well-being.
Day 1:
Introduction: Understand Life stages Understanding Ayurvedic perspective
- Understand the Ayurvedic perspective on the stages of life and their impact on skin and
bone health.
- Explore the concept of doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and how they influence the body’s balance and vitality.
- Discuss the specific role of each dosha in maintaining healthy skin and bones, particularly during the transitional phase of perimenopause.
Need of Healthy Kapha
- Dive into the importance of Kapha dosha and its relationship with fats for skin and bone
- Explore the sources of healthy fats and their role in lubricating joints, nourishing the skin, and supporting bone
- Discuss dietary and lifestyle recommendations to balance Kapha for optimal health during
Meditation for Grounding and Calming Vata
- Learn grounding meditation techniques to calm the Vata dosha, which tends to become imbalanced during perimenopause.
- Practice mindfulness and breathing exercises aimed at reducing stress and promoting
- Understand the connection between a calm mind and its impact on overall well-being, including skin and bone health.
Day 2: Stress-Hormones-Skin & Bone Health Triangle Understanding the Triangle
- Explore the intricate relationship between stress, hormones, and their effects on skin and bone health.
- Learn about the physiological mechanisms by which stress hormones influence collagen production, bone density, and skin
- Discuss the impact of chronic stress on hormonal balance and its implications for aging and perimenopausal symptoms.
Strategies to Break the Triangle
- Discover practical strategies to break the stress-hormones-skin & bone health triangle, including stress management techniques, hormone-balancing practices, and lifestyle
- Discuss the role of self-care, relaxation techniques, and stress-reducing activities in supporting skin and bone health during
- Empower participants with actionable steps to create a holistic approach to managing stress and promoting hormonal
Yoga for Joint Strengthening
- Explore a series of yoga poses and sequences designed to strengthen and stabilize the joints, including the spine, hips, knees, and
- Learn alignment principles and modifications to adapt yoga practice to individual needs and physical abilities.
- Experience the therapeutic benefits of yoga for improving flexibility, mobility, and balance, essential for maintaining healthy joints and preventing age-related issues such as arthritis and osteoporosis
Day 3: Skincare Routine and Yoga for Skin Skincare Routine
- Discover effective skincare routines tailored to the specific needs of perimenopausal skin, including cleansing, exfoliation, hydration, and
- Learn about the benefits of natural skincare ingredients such as face masks, oils, serums, and moisturizers for promoting skin health and
- Discuss the importance of incorporating sunscreen and antioxidants into daily skincare regimens to protect against UV damage and oxidative
Massage Points for Skin Health
- Learn about specific Marma points and massage techniques to enhance circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, and rejuvenate the
- Practice self-massage routines targeting key areas of the face and body to stimulate collagen production, reduce tension, and improve skin
- Understand the benefits of regular massage for skin health and its potential role in alleviating perimenopausal symptoms such as dryness, dullness, and
Face Yoga
- Explore the principles of facial yoga and its benefits for toning facial muscles, reducing wrinkles, and enhancing overall skin vitality.
- Learn a series of facial yoga exercises targeting different areas of the face and neck to promote circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, and boost collagen
- Experience the rejuvenating effects of face yoga through guided practice sessions designed to enhance relaxation and rejuvenate the skin.
Day 4: Importance of Nutrition For Skin and Bone
- Understand the role of nutrition in supporting skin and bone health during perimenopause, including the importance of macronutrients, micronutrients, and
- Learn about specific dietary recommendations for enhancing collagen production, bone density, and hormonal balance.
- Explore the benefits of incorporating bitter herbs, milk, and other nutrient-dense foods into daily meals for optimal skin and bone health.
- Explore vegan options too
Yoga For movement :
- Yoga for movement and strength building in your Tailored to address the specific needs and challenges that come with this stage of life. For maintaining flexibility, mobility, and muscular strength.
Day 5 (optional):
Workshop Reflection and Feedback
- Reflect on the key learnings and experiences from the workshop, including personal insights, challenges, and successes.
- Share feedback and testimonials to enrich future workshop offerings and improve participant satisfaction.
- Express gratitude to participants, facilitators, and organizers for their contributions to the workshop’s