Povezivanje sa maternicom, osluškivanje tijela, istinsko, duboko slušanje inteligencije / mudrosti fizičkog i suptilnih tijela, komunikacija sa Sobom…
Kako koristiti YONNI, na kojim razinama djeluje i koje terete može rasformirati…???
Termini, Četvrtak 31.10.
Vrijeme 18 do 21 sat.
Mjesto održavanja u prostorijama Udruge 741,Orlovac 2., Zagreb
Trajanje 3 sata
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Intuitivni izbor yonni jaja i povezivanje s njim, programiranje…
Sve što trebam, nalazi se pohranjeno u meni…
Ja sam sve!
Na radionici dobivate upute za korištenje..
Radionica uključuje energetski rad sa yoni jajem ( povezivanje i integraciju), energetska razmjena 88👑👑👑👑👑
Yoni egg….. enthusiasts claim the benefits are physical and spiritual.
On the physical front, it’s thought that inserting a jade egg causes your body to do an involuntary Kegel, ultimately strengthening the pelvic floor.
This is a group of muscles that support the vaginal floor, uterus, and rectum.
A stronger pelvic floor is associated with:
Goop also claimed that regular jade egg use can help balance your hormones and quell symptoms associated with PMS.
Spiritually, Maze (who, again, sells yoni eggs) says, “When inside you, yoni eggs work as little energy healers to help women transform stored trauma, spiritually renew their womb space and hearts, increase [their] sexual energy, and help one connect to themselves and feminine energy.”